CTOMA Missions

CTOMA Missions

CTOMA has sponsored mission trips to the following countries:  Indonesia, Mexico, the Bahamas, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Russia, the Philippines, Uganda, Kenya, and Sudan.  We have also assisted in several countries embargoed by the United States.  These countries are closed to certain economic activities but they can receive medical aid.

There are thousands of children being helped by the vitamins and medicines, sun ovens, shoes, clothing, reading glasses, mosquito nets, playground equipment, seeds and gardening tools that the donors to the charity have provided. CTOMA also sponsors families here in the Brazos Valley area to provide them with meals so that no one goes hungry. Click here to read more about CTOMA Missions. 

Church Assistance

CTOMA offers an application for churches to send in before their mission trips.  Click here to fill out this application. 

CTOMA does not accept any government funding or government assistance in any way.  Therefore our staff and missionaries are free to share the gospel and to tell of the amazing life and work of Christ Jesus.  We give our assistance free of charge.  Teams are free to give these medical kit packages to church leaders, clinics, hospitals, or schools.  We ask that you send us photos and tell us how the kits have helped those you visited, or how the kits have helped your team.  These reports are valuable in that we send them to the companies that donate to missions, to let them know how their donated supplies have been used. These reports encourage them to make more donations.  Our donors are not only individuals, but also companies who are interested in effectively using all their products. The reports are a great way to express our gratitude to them for their kindness in donating to missions. Read more about how CTOMA can help your church with a mission trip.